Next Session: Saturday, May 4th

Location: Julieta's house
Time: 4pm

The party finally made it to Ros' Hal after an almost fatal battle against Albus's father. They met one of Elwyn's "friends" in the city called Poinsettia and asked her to help them get into Rin'Hal.

House Rules
"That's the rule for now"
- I believe this is the ultimate rule for a peaceful inter-player DND game. When mid-game, it often feels tedious to look for a specific rule, as it can ruin immersion. Instead, the DM will take as long as one minute to try and find the rule, and if they don't, will make up a substitution rule for the time being. The DM will then look up the real rule after the session is over and update the players on how they will be playing moving forward.

Emphasis Roll
- You probably already know of two variations of the standard skill check; these of course are advantage and disadvantage, abbreviated as ADV and DIS respectively. Well, there is an unofficial third variation called the "emphasis roll." Coined by Brennan Lee Mulligan, the "emphasis roll" starts with the roll of two dice, or one die twice. After this, the player should select the roll which was futher from 10 and add their modifier to this value. This type of roll is used for "hit or miss" senarios, where the DM could only imagine the situation going surprisingly well, or horrifyingly wrong.

"I know a guy"
- A general rule for DND is never to do anything without asking the DM. This is one of the only ways to (kinda) break that. Imagine you are mid game and you realize based on your background you'd probably know a locksmith, or you'd just like to have known one. Instead of waiting until the end of the session to ask about the character and see if you can include it, quickly sketch the character's appearance and a few things your character knows about them and hand that off to the DM. This way you get a (potentially) helpful npc, have more immersion into your character, and can influence the story more in real time.

NAT 20 on Initiative
- If you get a critical success (NAT 20) on an initiative roll, you get to know the initiative order and select who you want to go before and after.

Inspiration for the Inspired
- Bardic inspiration in DND can only be used by bards, though it is more than possible for non-bard characters to be inspiring in their own right. "Inspiration for the Inspired" states that any character who makes an inspiring statement that is in-character can gain inspiration for themself and those who they inspired. This also works if a character makes an in-character breakthrough, though that would only give inspiration for that character specifically.

RP Charisma
- Ability checks are used in game to substitute a player's lack of adventuring ability. Unlike athletics or sleight-of-hand, charisma-based skills are much more common in everyday people to the same level as a DND character. If, during play, a player acts convincingly enough for a specific charisma-based stat, they can forgo the roll for that check and instead automatically succeed.

Double Help
- The help action allows one character to roll twice with the help of another character. Usually, this would only work for two characters. This rule allows two characters to help at a time, adding a third dice roll to specific situations.
Past Sessions
Session One
- Rice festival in Pearcha
- Festival gets interrupted by a group later found out to be the Proeli
- Party meets who is supposedly the leader of the group, a man called Goblin Glimbleshlim, and his right hand man Thorn
- They stay at a hotel run by a literal catgirl (tabaxi) and decide to travel to Lau'Dron
- Attack in 3 days

Session Two
- Sora and Albus make it to Lau'Dron, acquiring a map
- Eilo arrives separately, getting stuck with the other two when they meet each other again
- They meet with a woman called Countess Seramajor who is the mayor of Lau'dron and dismisses their concerns of an attack since they don't have actual evidence
- Eilo steals books from town hall
- Eilo is stolen in the night by a then unknown character

Session Three
- Eilo and Elwyn make a deal, though each are untrusting of the other
- A photo of Albus appears in the newspaper on their second day in Lau'dron which indicates he is an Iskan citizen
- Albus confronts the printing press, only to find sap

Session Four
- Eilo contronts the countess with new evidence, she obliges giving the party a group of soldiers/guards for the night
- The party gets a short rest before papers start falling from the sky
- A fight goes down, almost killing both Albus and Sora

Session Five
- The party gets out of Lau'Dron, seeing the smoke coming out of the city
- Sora meets a strange figure who points out her pan flute
- Albus encounters his father and attempts to fight him
- Eilo sees her father who only says "you're not supposed to be here"
- Eilo gets a strange key from her rock
- The party decides to finish their mission to Ros'Hal, then try to cross the border into Iska

Session Six
- Albus is chased after by his father
- Sora disguises herself as Albus, only to almost die
- Elwyn gets everyone out of the fight and into Ros'Hal
- A dryad called Poinsettia heals Sora
- Eilo gets the party to meet one of her old friends who gives the group advice on how to get into Rin'Hal and find out who framed Albus
- The party confronts Poinsettia, asking her to get them into Rin'Hal