
Iska's flag is based on the country's diverse terrain, with the white representing the snowy peaks in the south and the blue representing the large coastal area. The center cresent shape is a referance to an old folk tale surrounding the moon.


According to the organization, the flag's triangle shapes reprsesent how small the Iskans feel in the fight against Eclipsea and how they hope for equality in the future. The colors mirror those of the original Iskan flag and was created just a few years after.


Eclipsea's flag is representative of a major event in the country's history. On the night of the signing of their constitution, an eclipse occurred, which the Eclipseans took as a sign of prosperity for the future.


The creation for this flag is highly contested. Most Iskans claim that the resemblance to the Eclipsean flags points to their political connection. Eclipseans would argue that the use of their country's imagery is an act of political warfare.